The path in registry where the settings for office2007 are stored is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Local AppWizard-Generated Applications\office2007 I have created a project named "office2007", in the generated wizard file office2007.cpp there is a line which sets the settings path in registry: SetRegistryKey(_T("Local AppWizard-Generated Applications")) Is there any way to show these panes again? I searched through some forums and looks like I'm not the only one having this problem. However, when you close these dockable panes, there's no way you can show them again. MFC feature pack - Couldn't show the dockable pane once closed By using the wizard, and selecting Office 2007 style, you can come up with a UI that looks like an IDE - a dockable file explorer pane on the left, and a dockable properties pane on the right.
Excel for mac vba editor windows#
I'm not aware of a 'reset' command but the starting point would be to go to the View menu and start by setting the Code, Project Explorer and Properties windows and then the Toolbars>Standard (toolbar) perhaps? That stacks them in the same column and then you can adjust their size within those locations. To return these to be in that order, drag the one to that location (which will fill that whole area) then drag the other one right on top of that one. My default view is project explorer upper left, properties lower left. This also works with the other windows as you bring them into view. I found that I could drag the, e.g., project explorer (pe) window toward the edge of the vb window and the outline of the pe window moves and adjusts once you get close enough to the edge. The "Common" key will be recreated the next time you close the VBA Editor along with any changes to the settings you may make. Its subkeys that hold your personal settings. Double clicking this file will restore your current settings. Right click on Common and Export to save the *.reg file somewhere safe. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENTUSER\Software\Microsoft\VBA\6.0\Common
Excel for mac vba editor how to#
The only way I know how to accomplish this is to edit the registry. How to restore VBA Editor to its initial settings? - excel How to restore the VBA Editor to its intial settings ? I have some troubles with macro and projects explorer windows settings, after some bad manipulations.